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Hello, I am Fábio Raposo and I have a background in graphic interface design. I am passionate about Visual design, product design, art, and everything that involves branding, typography, illustration, and animation.


I have solid market experience and have collaborated on various projects that have used design thinking and agile methodologies.


Visual Design



Interface design

UX motion

Art and illustration

I have a profile on Instagram where I post my artistic projects and illustrations. If you're curious, please visit and get to know a little more about my work.

Art and illustration

I have a profile on Instagram where I post my artistic projects and illustrations. If you're curious, please visit and get to know a little more about my work.

Get in touch

I am passionate about Visual design, product design, art, and everything that involves branding, typography, illustration, and animation.


I have solid market experience and have collaborated on various projects that have used design thinking and agile methodologies.


Visual Design



Interface design

UX motion

Get in touch

Hello, I am Fábio Raposo and I have a background in Interface design.

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