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APP - 2016


Design de interfaces, UI design

App Caixa Econômica Federal

The Caixa Econômica Federal, founded in 1861, is a Brazilian financial institution and is among the largest banks in Latin America, as well as being the largest federal bank in Brazil. In 2014, a redesign of its visual identity was carried out, which was the ideal moment to do so in the app.

The challenge was to redesign the Caixa Econômica Federal's application and propose a new experience that meets the needs of its customers while applying the new visual identity.

I collaborated on this project with the experience team at Monumenta Agency, working on UX and UI design for the app.


App Caixa

Econômica Federal

The Caixa Econômica Federal, founded in 1861, is a Brazilian financial institution and is among the largest banks in Latin America, as well as being the largest federal bank in Brazil. In 2014, a redesign of its visual identity was carried out, which was the ideal moment to do so in the app.

The challenge was to redesign the Caixa Econômica Federal's application and propose a new experience that meets the needs of its customers while applying the new visual identity.

I collaborated on this project with the experience team at Monumenta Agency, working on UX and UI design for the app.

APP - 2016


Design de interfaces, UI design

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