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WEBSITE - 2022


UI/UX design, Visual design, Design de interação, UX motion, Prototipação e QA

PlenaMata was created with the aim of mobilizing people, companies, institutions and communities with a great objective: together, to promote forest conservation and end deforestation in the Amazon.

For Plenamata, knowledge generates movement. Therefore, the platform gathers data, indicators, analyzes that generate visibility for Amazon conservation and regeneration initiatives.

With the escalation of devastation and fires in the Amazon, Plenamata in partnership with Natura and MapBiomas joined forces to bring more visibility and scalability to data, news, articles on the subject and projects that seek partnerships to address this issue.​​​​​​​


I worked on this project as part of the user experience team at Ana Couto Agency, performing benchmarking research, wireframing, UI design, UX motion, prototyping and quality assurance.

Check it out:

Promote forest conservation and end deforestation in the Amazon.

Home overview

About overview

Mobile Home overview


Promote forest conservation and end deforestation in the Amazon.

PlenaMata was created with the aim of mobilizing people, companies, institutions and communities with a great objective: together, to promote forest conservation and end deforestation in the Amazon.

For Plenamata, knowledge generates movement. Therefore, the platform gathers data, indicators, analyzes that generate visibility for Amazon conservation and regeneration initiatives.

With the escalation of devastation and fires in the Amazon, Plenamata in partnership with Natura and MapBiomas joined forces to bring more visibility and scalability to data, news, articles on the subject and projects that seek partnerships to address this issue.​​​​​​​


I worked on this project as part of the user experience team at Ana Couto Agency, performing benchmarking research, wireframing, UI design, UX motion, prototyping and quality assurance.

Check it out:

WEBSITE - 2022


UI/UX design, Visual design, Design de interação, UX motion, Prototipação e QA

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